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Are All Korean Men Liars?

If you're hoping to come to Korea to find an oppa, is there any truth to the warnings that many Korean men may be liars? Well, the fish rots from the head and as we've seen from the president elect, lying comes naturally. It's even expected. It's not even supposed to be noticed, unless you're the one lied to. Poor Ahn Cheol-soo. He got screwed out of his 'gentleman's agreement' to give up his presidential run to let Yoon Seok-yeol win by one of the narrowest margins in history. And how Ahn is on the path of getting cut out of power yet again.

However, if Ahn smartens up, he'll use his leverage and stay in the game. How? Check out the video for my recommendations. And stick around for my thoughts on whether all Korean men are liars.

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