You Can Have Thanksgiving in Korea with a Hotel Turkey Set

It's not often advertised but if you call around to several hotels, you can order a holiday to go meal for 6 to 10 people for about 150,000 won to 300,000 won.

Not this year because of covid, but a couple years ago I was in a dinner party mood. That winter I was able to experience three turkey sets from: 1) Four Seasons Seoul, 2) Shearton D-Cube and 3) Dragonhill Lodge.

The Dragonhill lodge was by far the best value at about $80 and the pumpkin pie was the best. But the Turkey and sides from the Four Seasons is my top choice. Knocked it out of the park! Yet, here are some pictures of the dinner from the Sheraton. The turkey and sides were also excellent. The pecan pie was not.

in 2020, memories of past thanksgivings will have to suffice

Here's a toast to the life lessons and bitter struggles from 2020. Let's hope 2021 will offer a new direction to a brand new world full of hope and possibility.


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