Why It's Not Helpful to Call All White People Racists

It's better to subtly ask, 'What kind of racist are you?'

Don't assume all white people are racist. But don't assume all of them aren't either. Instead, use these questions to filter out people who need to be in your life. There's nothing like the sting of leaving yourself wide open to a racist because you assumed that they were 'better than that'.

1. Are you a racist who's a traitor to the United States?

Waving the Confederate flag is absolutely un-American. You're upholding the symbol of a defeated attempt at usurping the sovereignty of the United States. Not only is the Confederacy non-existent, it's a symbol of racism and hatred. Thank goodness for you there's freedom of speech in the United States.

In other countries, you would be jailed for supporting a militaristic coup d'etat.

How to make the point subtly: What's the point of aligning yourself with a failed coup d'etat on our government and freedom?

2. Are you an entitled racist who doesn't have a racist bone in their body?

I can't believe how many people fall for this line. Since when did racism live in your bone marrow? It's in the mind. Unfortunately, people who spout this line think it covers themselves with a magical cloak where they pull white power moves under the guise of being woke.

How to make the point subtly: Since when did racism live in bone marrow?

don't ask people to check their privilege. challenge them.

3. Are you a racist with an inferiority complex?

Have you noticed that white people who aren't racist are normal, well-adjusted people? There is nothing wrong with living in white culture and thoroughly being white. It's those with an inferiority complex who weaponize whiteness to use racism to their advantage. Then when challenged, they hide behind their white identity and accuse you of criticizing whiteness. Immediately separate them from the blanket protection of whiteness. A jerk is a jerk, no matter their color. Redirect the conversation to their behavior, not their race.

How to subtly ask the question: I have tons of white friends and I love white culture. Why are you such a bad example for white people?

DISCLAIMER: Subtlety is not a strong point for The Seoulite. This is as subtle as it gets for him. But he's found that there's immense leverage in the delivery of shade. Tone, body language and volume can add subtlety to a very direct verbal punch.


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