You're Probably Talking to Trauma Victims Wrong and It Could Be Retriggering

Families of the Itaewon Halloween crowd crush massacre are demanding justice, accountability and most importantly a sincere apology. But will the justice system deliver? Most likely not because the court system does not know how to digest 'making the world a better place'. It's designed to determine whether you violated a current law and how much you should pay. Sadly, you can't sue for an apology. And suing for accountability only works if there's already a law for your tragic situation.

Though I am rooting for the families, I believe they'll fall into the same trap of inexperienced victims going into legal battle woefully unprepared and distracted by their own grief going against cold manipulators of the law. However, should they fight? Absolutely, even though it will be a sacrifice. They may not get the justice they want, but they could pave the way for new laws that will help others in the future.


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