Did Actor Kim Soo-hyun Bury Kim Sae-ron’s Career? Family Speaks (Part 2)

The growing controversy involving Korea's top-paid actor Kim Soo-hyun and his former lover, the late Kim Sae-ron, involves more than just allegations of romantic relations with a minor. Did the actor leverage his power, connections and emotional hold on a vulnerable Sae-ron to make her disappear from the entertainment industry?

In part 2 of this series, we delve into the parent's case against Kim Soo-hyun. After being turned away from all mainstream media outlets to tell their story, YouTube channel Garo Sero Research Institute has been breaking exclusive interviews and reporting straight from the family. It's messy and fast so here's an analysis of the highlights that slows it down to more digestible chunks.

Stay tuned for part 3 to hear Kim Soo-hyun's side in more detail.


Actor Kim Soo-hyun Speaks Out: But Does It ADD UP? (Part 3)


Did Actor Kim Soo-hyun Start Dating Kim Sae-ron When She Was Only 15?