ADOR Would Like You to Call NEW JEANS by their GOVERNMENT NAME
Why won't we call out New Jeans for what they're actually doing: breaking the law on multiple fronts. Illegal Name Change. Illegal Immigration. And now... Illegal New Agency. Reports have emerged that Hanni has refused ADOR's offer to renew her visa. Plus, ADOR has requested the media and the public to use New Jeans real name instead of 'NJZ'.
Experts who surmised that Hanni's move indicates another agency in the works had their confirmation from Haein's comment in their latest Instagram live that there's going to be a new agency soon so there would be no need for bunnies to 'worry'.
But worrying is all they've created in the industry and in the Korean economy as a whole. How many wrecking balls will they take to the law before they're forced to stop? And who's behind their new 'agency'?