Weathercaster Bullied to Death at MBC (The GLORY in Real Life)
At the age of 28, late MBC weather reporter Oh Yoanna departed the world after years of being bullied by her fellow weathercasters. Now the bereaved family is suing two of the main bullies and an anonymous activist has filed criminal claims against MBC and its leadership.
Why did MBC do nothing and claim that they had no idea what was going on? Former MBC weathercasters recently supported Oh’s claims publicly and called out the network’s long-standing toxic culture. The family claims the attacks against her intensified every time she advanced in her career. How dangerous is weaponized jealousy in the Korean workplace?
If you expected labor laws to kick in, they won't. In Korea, labor protections don't apply to freelancers. Did Oh Yoanna get screwed over by being hired as an unprotected freelancer when she clearly had to do her job at the level of a protected employee?