Presidential Candidate’s Wife Demands Steaks and Hormone Pills

Presidential candidate Lee Jae-myung's wife seems to be a very demanding lady. Even though Kim Hye-gyoung has no right to use taxpayer money or the staff of her elected husband, they work around the clock to fulfill her every whim. Riling the public are reports that she ran a credit card scam to regularly charge expensive steaks to the city, required the staff to take out prescriptions for hormone pills in their name to give to her, and make sure every strawberry looked perfect before they went into ice boxes outside her front door.

Who's the whistleblower? One very disgruntled former staffer who kept screenshots of Telegram messages, voice recordings and the photos they had to take to document progress or completion of tasks. They even had to ask permission regarding what color paper bag to use for deliveries. This comes as the Lee family plays into their public persona of living humbly because of their poor, working class background. But as more evidence comes to light, it appears they've been fooling us and living like royalty all along on our expense.


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